Saturday, June 1, 2013

Welcome to the Jungle Ballet Recital

On Saturday Julia had her second ballet recital on 'the big stage' and again she did fantastic!  You aren't allowed to take photos or video during the actual show but they have a dress rehearsal shortly before and that's when you're allowed to take as many photos and videos till your heart is content.  Hence I was clicking away while they practiced their performance.  Julia was excited that we got to keep this costume unlike the one for the Holiday Show as that one was rented.  Thomas and I couldn't help but have our eyes tear up as she preformed on was super cute and we were so proud of our ballerina!

Mommy and Julia before the dress rehearsal.

Julia and some of her ballet friends...Julia, Reagan, Presley and Peyton.

Julia's class ready to preform.

All smiles and ready to go!

Still smiling!

Great ballet position!

Looking as sweet as ever!

Part of their performance was to pretend they were asleep.

Another great ballet position.

So sweet!

The backdrops were amazing!

Had to snap one photo as they all came out to bow.  Julia is in the center off to the right a little near one of the teachers in a blue dress.  All the costumes were amazing and Cumming Dance Academy put on another great show.

Andrew gave Julia her flowers along with a big hug and a 'Good job Julia.'

Daddy is so proud!

My sweet little girl.

Such a beautiful ballerina.

Having fun with the flowers.

Love this photo!

The perfect ballet bun!  I've learned the trick to doing the perfect ballet bun so it looks like Julia is all set for future performances.  Thank goodness!


  1. Julia looks like such a natural. Her smile is beautiful, I notice it over and over in all the pictures, she is just beaming. Nicole, you did a great job with her hair, it looks very professional. I keep looking at these pictures and it's like I was right there, again, thank you for posting all these special times for me!

  2. I love taking pictures of Julia and Andrew and I'm so glad you enjoy looking at all the photos since I know there's a ton!

  3. I would be so sad if there was no blog, it helps make up for not being there.
