Friday, June 21, 2013

Final Swim Class

Today Julia finished up her first session of swim lessons at the Cumming Aquatic Center and she absolutely loved it!  I'm probably going to sign her up for another session with the next level up.

 I love this one of her swimming with her face under water.

It was nice to meet another girl who appears to be very much like Julia in many ways.  From talking with her mom during the lessons we learned that Julia and Kaitlyn were born on the same day at the same hospital and delivered by the same doctor (Dr. Jenny Jo) and we think they were in the same NICU for a little while with only being born about 2 hours apart.  It looks like they were destined to be friends.  Looking forward to a play date in the near future with Kaitlyn.

Julia showing off her certificate!  Way to go love bug!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of Julia! Her new friend is cute as a button, and what a coincidence, it's a small world.
