Thursday, June 6, 2013


Love the photos of Julia and Andrew in their jammies...they're just always so cute!  Julia wears her tutu that came with her Tinker Bell jammies with her other jammies too. It's perfect as she would say.

Andrew enjoyed watching Curious George on our bed one morning in his jammies as I was getting ready.  It's so cute, he says, 'Watch George.'

1 comment:

  1. The tutu jammies are still going strong. I wonder what will happen when it rips or she outgrows it? If you see any more like it in a bigger size, maybe you should buy it just in case she is still loving tutus. Also, I love Andrew's little hands the way he is holding them and his feet sticking up in the air like that, just precious. He really looks old to me now that he watches Curious George.
