Thursday, June 20, 2013

2 Year Old Andrew

Last week we had Andrew's two year check up and I thought I would write a bit more about what he's up to these days.  At his check up he weighed 26.4 pounds (25th-50th %) and he's 33 3/4 inches tall (under 50th %) and his head was 51 cm.  Andrew's had a few different reactions when he's had peanut butter so we had some blood drawn at his check up to test for an allergy to peanuts.  He did great and didn't even flinch when the nurse was taking his blood...I couldn't believe it.  The results show he is allergic to peanuts and even walnuts so we now have an epipen just in case we ever need to use it but hopefully not.

- He's eating much better these days by eating chicken, ham, steak, pork but still won't go near any kind of seafood.  He LOVES all kinds of fruits but isn't a fan of vegetables so he drinks one juice a day that's made with fruit and vegetables and he'll eat the fruit and vegetable pouches.  I made him a smoothie the other day with lots of fruit, yogurt and spinach and he loved it so we'll be having those more often.
- Andrew drinks a lot and his favorite drink of choice is orange juice (watered down) but he also drinks milk and water.
- Wears size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 diapers at night.
- Loves to do and say the things that Julia does and lucky for us most of the time Julia is setting a good example so it's been working out great.
- Very good at saying thank you but forgets to say please.  So impressed with how much he says thank you at his's very sweet.
- He sleeps about 10 hours at night with one nap in the afternoon that is usually around 2-3 hours.
- Sleeps with his lovey that Julia got him when he was born.
- Absolutely LOVES Thomas...I guess it's a guy thing.  Not that he doesn't love me but if we're both around he seems to prefer Thomas.  It's okay I get it...I'm with him most of the time so he wants Thomas more when he's around...makes total sense.  
- Talks a ton!  His communication skills and his vocabulary are amazing at his age.
- Tends to get into everything...need to be careful about what you leave out and within his reach.
- Has the cutest giggle ever.  He just laughs and laughs.
- Uses the stool in the bathroom to help him get things out of reach.
- Loves playing outside.
- Folds his hands and says our blessing at cute.
- Loves to run around and he's very active.
- Sometimes we find him sitting and looking through a pile of books.
- Enjoys puzzles.
- Enjoys any TV show that Julia does even if it's about princesses.
- Still likes to be held and cuddled for a while when he wakes up from nap but not so much first thing in the morning.
- Loves the water and isn't at all afraid of it.
- Prefers climbing and going down the slide while at the playground and only likes to stay in the swing for a little bit.
- Prefers to walk as compared to being in a stroller or a shopping cart.
- Likes to do things himself and we often hear, 'I do it myself.'
- Likes to play with balls, legos, cars, trucks and even Julia's dolls.

I'm sure there are some big things I'm missing but that's all I can think of for right now. He's such a happy and fun kid who likes to participate in whatever is going on.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that school is out, now I have more time to answer the blog entries!!! Bill and I are so excited to hear all about Andrew. The picture is so cute and he looks adorable. I think it's so funny that he watches anything on TV. Just like his Daddy. Thomas was mesmerized by TV. He watched The Brady Bunch every night before bedtime and Sesame Street two times a day. Actually, Bill is exactly the same way, he watches anything and usually flips around and watches two shows at the same time. Andrew is smaller than Thomas. He was taller and heavier. I love, love, love hearing all about Andrew. Can't wait to hold hi on my lap..
