Thursday, June 13, 2013

Welcome Summer

Yesterday we made our first trip to the pool and Julia, Andrew and myself had a blast.  It was such a hot day and once Andrew woke up from his nap we headed on down to the pool to cool off.  We went in the kiddie pool first and Andrew had his little floatie around his waist and he was walking and he would fall over and his head would go under for a second.  He didn't seem to mind but it was scary for me.  Then we went to the big pool and he hung out by the stairs and did great.  I would carry him and take him around for a swim and Julia wore her Puddle Jumper arm floaties so it made it much easier for me to handle two kids.  Looking forward to many more trips to the pool this summer.    

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that the kids loved the pool. I want to go there, too.
