Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Today we celebrated Father's Day by going for a hike at Sawnee Mountain and enjoying some time at home.  We're all so lucky to have Thomas in our lives and as Julia and Andrew get older they will realize just how lucky they are to call him their dad.

 Julia and Andrew loved walking on the trail and jumping off the rocks and over the tree roots.

After our hike we played on the playground a bit.  Thanks Thomas for being such an wonderful dad.  We love you!

Julia and I made Daddy a present this year that I saw on Pinterest!  I had to use some tools I've never used before and even asked my neighbor for help with cutting the wood but we managed to get it done.  Julia was able to help a bunch with picking out the paper and ribbon, gluing, staining and using her tiny fingers to pull the ribbon through the small holes I had to drill.  Overall it was a successful project and it came out quite good...I think.

At the last minute I decided to add their hand prints on the back because they aren't going to be this small forever.  

1 comment:

  1. That is such a thoughtful gift!!!!!' Very crafty of you, too. Also, I love your idea of the handprints on the back, another personal touch. Thomas must have loved it!
