Sunday, June 16, 2013

Best Dressed Biker

We just adjusted the training wheels on Julia's bike and it's much more steady and she feels more comfortable riding it.  Hopefully we'll be able to take daily rides down to the stop sign so she gets some practice riding her bike.  I think she's going to love riding it once she gets a little better at it.  Regardless, she's one cute bike rider in her pink tutu.  Looking forward to bringing our bike to the beach in a few weeks.

 Looking cute as ever all in pink!

 Working hard at peddling.

Daddy helping Julia a little as we went for a ride down the street.  We don't really need to hold her but we know if she falls off she probably won't get back on it for a while.

1 comment:

  1. You have to love Julia's tutus. She looks so cute, I wish I could hug and kiss her right now!
