Saturday, June 22, 2013

First Movie at the Fox Theatre

Today Julia and I headed downtown to the Fox Theatre to see the movie Finding Nemo.  I get weekly emails about things going on around Atlanta and in one of them I saw how the Fox Theatre has movies during the summer and the first one was Finding Nemo.  While at Disney World we saw a Finding Nemo show at Animal Kingdom and Julia loved it.  We've never seen the actual movie or any movie in a theatre before so I thought this would be perfect as her 'first movie' in a theatre.  Julia got a little scared at a few different parts in the movie and I asked her if she wanted to leave but she insisted on staying.  After the movie she said she loved it and her favorite part was when Nemo and his dad got back together.

 Checking out the beautiful theatre...very fancy indeed.

Gotta love how off centered this photo is of Julia and myself but that's what you get when you ask a random person to take a photo.  I decided not to crop it since I think it's kinda funny.  We had such a fun time together enjoying her first movie on the big screen.

 The famous Fox Theatre downtown is where Julia saw her first movie in a theatre.

 Had to get a photo of Julia and the Fox Theatre sign.

After our movie we stopped at The Varsity to share a chocolate ice cream.  I love having Mommy and daughter dates with my sweet girl...always a good time.

1 comment:

  1. The movie sounds good. Maybe we can take Julia to a movie soon. And by the way, I want some of that chocolate ice cream!
