Monday, June 3, 2013

Andrew Turns 2...Happy Birthday!

I can't believe our little guy turned two years old already...time is going by way to fast!  On Monday we enjoyed celebrating his birthday with our family and look forward to celebrating with friends on Saturday with a Mickey Mouse party.

Andrew enjoyed opening his presents and when he came down in the morning and saw them wrapped and sitting on the fireplace he said, 'presents.'

Playing with his lego motorcycle.

And his new bath toys...bubbles.

He loved the basketball that was on his card from Grandma.

All smiles from Andrew since Julia was being a great helper and getting him to giggle.

Julia helped me make the Mickey Mouse cupcakes for Andrew's birthday and of course the idea came from Pinterest.  The cupcakes were not as flat on top as I wanted but they still looked cute and they were super yummy!

Andrew was super excited about his water table from Nana and Papa.

Enjoying the water table on the deck.

Julia loved the water table just as much as Andrew.

All wet.

Let's dunk our heads in too!  I wonder whose idea that was?

Looks like we'll be having lots of fun with the water table this summer.

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Sweet Julia!


A bit messy but he loved it!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew is so cute and those smiles, I can see all his excitement. I am so glad that he is enjoying the water table, it was nice of you to suggest it because I really have no idea what to get the kids. It is bitter sweet for me that Andrew is growing up, I love it, and at the same time I want him to stay a baby. He is the last one and I just want to freeze time.
