Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We really had such a fun Christmas this year since both Julia and Andrew enjoyed it so much.  It was quite an early morning for us but we loved it since it was such an exciting day.  Since Andrew normally wakes up at 6am and Julia prefers to sleep until at least 8:30 we discussed how we would keep Andrew upstairs for a while to wait for Julia to wake up.  Instead we were waiting for Andrew to wake up at 6am.  Julia woke up and 3:38am to go to the bathroom and Thomas got her back in bed and a little before 5am she came into our room and said she was so excited and couldn't sleep.  She hopped into bed with us and we talked a little and then used the IPAD while we waited for Andrew to wake up.  Luckily he woke up at his usual 6am time and didn't sleep in because Julia was quite excited to go downstairs.  The only presents Santa didn't wrap was Julia's bike and Andrew's basketball set.

We're excited Santa brought Julia a bike and can't wait to start riding together.  Such a cute bike...I wish I had one like it when I was little. It has lots of daisies on it and says miss daisy.

Julia opening another present from Santa which was a princess tent...just what she wanted.

Andrew did quite well opening his gifts...Santa gave him some legos.

Julia also asked Santa for fairy wings and she was so excited about them.

Santa also brought Andrew a book to hold his hot wheel cars.

Opening some paint and paintbrushes from Mommy and Daddy.

Since Julia loves dressing up I thought she might like leg warmers with ruffles on the bottom.

We got Julia a microphone since she loves to sing.

Santa even brought Andrew a helmet since he'll be riding the tricycle that Julia use to ride.

Opening a truck from The Dennisons.  Both Andrew and Julia loved playing with this truck.

Stocking time.

Andrew got lots of fun stuff in his stocking too.  Cars, Toy Story DVD, fruit snacks, cars band aids and yogurt melts which he loves.

Julia and Andrew checking out the tent.

Santa even brought a matching set of fairy wings for Julia's baby.


Checking out the bike.

This is what Julia wore all day on Christmas.

Santa ate all his treats and drank his milk but was a bit messy with the reindeer food.

Julia and her new baby from Nana and Papa are having fun in the tent.

Andrew even enjoyed riding around the house on Julia's bike.  He's going to be ready for his own bike before we know it.  We feel so blessed to have each other and hope you had a Merry Christmas!  Such a fun day spending time together as a family and yes we all got to take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. So many good shots, I like the one of Julia and her baby inside the tent looking out. I love the expression on Andrew's face when he has his hand in his stocking. Oh, by the way, now Julia's and my bikes match. I love that it is PINK! It all looks like a lot of fun, wish I was there!
