Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Cookies

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is making Christmas cookies together as a family.  Always so much fun to make cookies and listen to Christmas music and spend time together.

Julia was a great mixer again this year but she made it clear it was hard work.

Andrew's first Anise Christmas cookie and he loved it which made me so happy since they are my absolute favorite.  Even Andrew helped out by eating them.

What better outfit to wear while decorating the cookies but a bathing suit.  Julia doesn't usually keep her regular clothes on for long at home anymore...she's always changing.

Julia's favorite cookies are the ones with heaps of chocolate chips and of course sprinkles...the more the better and I totally agree with her.

Daddy and Julia working on frosting the cookies and putting on the sprinkles.

It was so cute but Julia told Thomas to hold her good...and he did just that.  It still makes me laugh as I'm writing this.

The cookies came out great.  Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy, we just finished the last one of ours Friday. It does look like that batter was a little heavy for Julia, she was building muscles. I can't believe that Andrew likes the cookies, that makes me feel so happy to know. It is a very different taste to get used to for a toddler.
