Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Griffin...Our Elf

This year our elf Griffin was up to all kinds of things.  We found him in the pantry one day eating M&M's, he used chocolate chips to spell Julia and Andrew's name on the kitchen table, left a few presents throughout his stay (a Christmas book and An Elf's Story DVD) and he even took a bath in our tub with marshmallows.  Both Julia and Andrew loved waking up and looking for him.  Now that he's gone back to the North Pole we miss him and can't wait for his visit next year.

1 comment:

  1. I remember him from the year we visited in December, he is so popular now, everyone has Chippy. I watched a show about Chippy with Tyler, Molly and Leah, it was very entertaining. Wait a minute, I just noticed that you call him Griffin, on the xmas show he was called Chippy, did Julia name him herself?
