Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

This year for Christmas Eve it was just our family of four together since we like to stay home for Christmas now that we have Julia and Andrew.  We went to Christmas Eve mass at our church at 4:00 but since the church filled up early they began the mass early and we missed the beginning.  Actually when we got there they weren't letting anybody else in but we waited a bit and one of the ushers let us in.  I know you need to get there early but that's kinda hard with two little kids and then having to keep them occupied for mass in addition to getting there super early to get a seat but it all worked out.  Once we got home the kids were allowed to open one present.  As a kid I was always allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve after mass so we decided that would be a fun tradition to do with our family.

The present I picked out for Julia was Lite Brite since I thought it would be something fun she could do right away.

The first present Andrew opened were some trucks and I still can't believe how good he is at opening presents.

Since Julia had no idea what Lite Brite was I'm sure she wasn't all that excited but once I showed her what it was she was happy. We worked on it together for a bit and I think it's a great fine motor skills activity and so much fun.  We all loved going into the dark bathroom and seeing the picture she made.  I loved Lite Brite as a kid and I thought Julia would too!

Of course we had to get the food ready for the reindeer.  Mix together some oats, sugar and some sprinkles (hey that's all we had) or shall I say about half a jar of sprinkles. Hey reindeer like sprinkles, right?

Mix it all together!

And look what you have...a yummy treat for those hard working reindeer.  We hope Santa brings you what was on your wish list.

1 comment:

  1. The first picture is my favorite, they look so cute. Boy, I wish I was getting such a GREAT treat as Santa, pretty fancy stuff. He just got cookies when Thomas was little.
