Saturday, December 8, 2012

Visit with the Dennisons

We had a great time having my sister and her family in town and it was such fun for the cousins to play together.  It was crazy at times with three kids running around but lots of fun!  Photo of Brad before his haircut and shaving his moustache for Mo-vember (raising awareness for prostate cancer).

 Amazing how much better he looks less than 90 minutes later.

 Alexander and Julia all ready for bed.

Playing out back on the playground. We had great weather and the kiddos played outside a few different times.

Alexander doesn't usually fall asleep on his own but luckily for me he did since my sister worked some while she was in town.  I think letting him sleep with the truck book was the magic trick.  This little boy LOVES trucks!

Three cousins all holding some cars and trucks and whatever else so I could take a photo.  Oh and yes Julia is wearing her bathing suit in December.  Lately all she wears is bathing suits, ballet leotards, fancy dresses and tutus.  Don't know how she stays warm.  Thanks to The Dennison's we have plenty of fun cars and trucks around our house.

Playing trucks with the two boys.  You know they're only looking at me because they just rolled the trucks to me and they're waiting for me to roll them back.

 Fun playing with all his new trucks from Aunt Kim, Uncle Bradley and Alexander.

Showing her pretty bracelets that Aunt Kim bought her and saying goodbye...Julia was very sad once they left.  She loved having company!  Can't wait to get together again!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Alexander he always has a cut or bang on his cute little face. I especially love the picture of Kim and Julia, very cute.
