Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gingerbread House

Another fun family tradition we like is decorating a gingerbread house. Thomas and I were telling Julia about when we made our gingerbread house last year and how she kept eating the frosting and this year she really wanted nothing to do with it.  Thomas had to make some repairs since our kit had a few broken pieces but we managed to repair the house and get it decorated and it was just like new.  And yes Julia is wearing a summer dress in December....she loves getting dressed up and looking fancy.

 Julia liked eating the candies and did a great job at decorating the house.

This year Andrew participated in decorating too but we kept him contained to only the gingerbread and the tree since we were quite confident he would knock over the already unstable house.

 He did a great job and he loved being a part of the action.

 Looks done to me.

Earlier in the day Julia painted a gingerbread house and apparently it was her inspiration for decorating our house.  I definitely see some similarities between the two houses...don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Does Julia ever get cold, pretty dress, but I would only be able to wear it in 90 degree weather. I especially like that Andrew got to join in even though he is so small. Great job with the house again this year!
