Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cumming Dance Acadmey Holiday Recital

Back on December 1st Julia had her first ever dance recital up on the big stage with a huge audience. She was so excited to wear the special holiday tutu and make-up...yes make-up.  Complete with eye shadow, blush and lipstick.  She had so much fun and did such a great job!  Here's Julia with her friend Reagan who lives down the street.

The three year olds (the youngest in the show) preformed their dance to Jingle Bells and it was the cutest ever.

Practicing shaking her bells for the show.

Everyone is waiting patiently for their turn to dance up on stage.

All smiles and ready to go.

Julia did fantastic!

Check out all the cute ballet moves.

Part of their show was to gather together and tell secrets and shake their tutus.  It was so cute!

Julia and Reagan!

Julia is the first one on the left in the front row.  All the dancers did fabulous and the songs got you in the holiday spirit for sure.

It was so great that my sister was visiting so she could see the show too since we don't have any family living in town.  It made it a bit more special for Julia.

We're so proud of Julia...she did great and more importantly had fun!  Pink flowers for our pretty ballerina.  Bravo!

1 comment:

  1. "A STAR IS BORN". Julia looks like she might have a future in ballet. So beautiful, and the dancing looks very good. I am so happy that she takes ballet.
