Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update on Andrew

Andrew is almost 14 months old and he has been crawling on his hands and knees for a few weeks now or as Julia says 'a big boy crawl.'  At times he'll still do the army crawl but everyday we see less and less of that crawl and everyday he gets faster and faster at crawling on his hands and knees.

He has also recently discovered how to open cabinets and he loves to explore what's inside.  For example this morning while I was getting ready he slowly took out one thing at a time from my make up kit and inspected it and a few times he handed me something he found in there.  Before I knew it my whole make up kit was emptied and all over the bathroom floor.  He loves playing with what's inside the cabinets and clearly let's you know he wants to play in there if you take him away.

 See we left another cabinet open and Andrew is quick to find it and he's ready to explore.

One of the things which has amazed me with Andrew is his absolute infatuation with electronics.  It must be a boy thing!  I guess it's in his blood but he loves cell phones, IPADs, remote controls, cameras, camcorder...you name it.  He'll spy my cell phone on the counter when you're holding him and will whine until he gets to play with it.  It's cute since he even imitates me and holds it up to his ear and sometimes even says 'hi.'  It's just so funny...I love it!  

Recently Andrew has also started walking with the help of a push toy or in our house called the lion.  He's been doing good and he's even starting to let go of the handle and balance for a bit.  He's quite the brave little guy and isn't usually bothered when he falls down...he just gets back up and keeps on moving.  Of course it makes me a little nervous but he always does a great job of breaking his falls.  He is very much a happy guy who just wants to be a part of whatever is going on.

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