Sunday, July 8, 2012

Texas Trip - West University Pool

One day we went to the pool in my sister's neighborhood and everyone had a blast! The pool was absolutely awesome!  All three kids loved the water.  They had a few great slides that the kids loved...even Andrew.  He is definitely going to be my daring child as he had no fear and was even putting his face in the water a bit.  It was so nice they had the arm floaties for Julia to borrow since she uses them at home.

Julia and Andrew LOVED the pouches.  They had one everyday.  If Andrew saw Julia eating one then he clearly lets you know he wants one too.

Alexander loved the pouches too!  He has one everyday as well!

Julia loved playing in the water and was swimming all over with her arm floaties.

Alexander having fun playing in the water.

Andrew crawled around the zero entry part of the pool and loved playing in the water too.  He was even trying to climb up the water slides.

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