Saturday, July 28, 2012

Harbour Town

Before we headed to Harbour Town for the night I wanted to take some photos of our family so we went to Coligny Square.

Daddy and Andrew swinging.

Daddy with Julia and Andrew.

Now that Andrew is much more mobile he prefers to be standing and cruising around as compared to just sitting.

We love these two little kids more than life!  We've had so much fun with them at the beach on our first vacation as a family of four.  Looking forward to many more vacations together!

Mommy and Julia exploring Harbour Town.

Andrew and I hanging out near the water.

Such fun times together!  

Both Julia and Andrew were so interested in looking at the boats below.  

The view from the top of the lighthouse.

Julia had fun hanging from the bars at the top of the lighthouse.

We watched the Gregg Russell show under the oak tree in Harbour Town which was great.  He's been preforming under the oak tree for 36 summers and it's a great show for both adults and kids.

A view of the lighthouse we climbed while watching the Gregg Russell show.  We stayed out so late that Andrew fell asleep in Thomas' arms and we transferred him to his car seat and then to the pack and play once we got back to the villa and he never woke up until the next morning.  He just slept in his clothes since I was sure he would wake up in the middle of the night but that wasn't the case.  He was absolutely exhausted!  We all had such a fun night in Harbour Town.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful family shots, you will have to go there every year!!!!
