Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Day at the Beach

Here's some photos from our first day at the beach.  We had such great weather everyday and even though it was in the high 80's or low 90's there was always a breeze on the beach so it was perfect.  Julia absolutely loved playing in the was by far her favorite part of our vacation.  Everyday we always went to the beach together but Andrew never lasted as long as Julia so Thomas and I would take turns bring him back for a bath and nap time while the other stayed and played with Julia.  It was great for Thomas and I to have some one on one time with each of them.

Julia getting some water for some building and playing.

Andrew having fun in the water and staying cool.

Julia and Andrew playing in the water.

Julia digging in the sand.

Daddy and Andrew hanging out in the water.

1 comment:

  1. They look completely at home on the beach, even Andrew and he is so young.
