Thursday, July 12, 2012

Texas Trip - Herman Park

As our Texas trip was coming to an end my sister asked what else I wanted to do and I said go to Herman Park and ride the train.  I knew Julia would love it but little did I know how much Andrew would enjoy the train ride.  Love Herman Park...more parks need a train ride like this.

The train was packed...everyone (young and old) enjoyed the train ride.

Alexander and Julia

My little guy and me on the train. Once we were off the train and saw it again later while we were in the park Andrew pointed at the train...his way of letting me know 'Let's ride it again.'

Julia also wanted to ride it again.

Alexander and his mama.

Andrew loving the train ride.

Alexander standing up and looking all around.

After the train ride we feed the birds some bread.

We were all breaking up the bread into little pieces and at one point Alexander threw a whole piece on the ground and it was every bird for themselves.  It was quite a sight.

Alexander (18 months) and Julia (3 1/2 years old).  I love how they're holding hands without being prompted.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures, my favorite is Julia and Alexander crossing the bridge, just adorable.
