Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dolphin Boat Ride

One of the things we wanted to do was go on a Dolphin Boat Ride.  We thought they would enjoy riding on a boat after seeing so many and if we got to see some dolphins that would be an added bonus.  Well they both enjoyed the boat ride and we saw dolphins but not as close up as Julia and I saw them the one day in the ocean.  We ate an early dinner so we could catch the 5:00 boat ride.

Andrew was pretty cute as he would look at the boats and smile or point at them.  It's been so much fun watching him communicate in his own way.

We had great views and the weather was fantastic.

The first dolphin we spotted on our boat ride.

Yet another.

A beautiful rainbow.

Julia enjoyed standing on the ledge and looking over.

Posing for a photo...not quite sure what got into her but she was having fun being photographed.

Daddy, Andrew and Julia and Julia smothering Andrew with a hug.

Julia in front of the boat we went on...her first boat ride and she loved it.

1 comment:

  1. I missed this entry, too, probably because I was busy getting ready for our trip to visit you. Nice pictures.
