Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Drive to Hilton Head

On Saturday July 14th we headed to Hilton Head, South Carolina for our first vacation as a family of four.  We were all excited about our week at the beach.  It takes about five hours to get there and Julia enjoyed watching videos.

Andrew did a great job of doing his part by falling asleep right away and taking a nap for 90 minutes.

I packed a lunch for us and we stopped along the way to stretch and enjoy our lunch.  It was a great way to break up the trip!

Loving on my little girl...she was quite excited about our trip to the beach.

Andrew hopped in the drivers seat for just a minute...he loves holding onto the steering wheel to pretend he's driving.

Then of course Julia wanted a turn too.  The trip took over six hours since we stopped and got in some island traffic but we made it and couldn't wait to be beach bums for the week.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Andrew driving and Julia watching a DVD. They are good travelers, that's helps so much.
