Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update on Andrew

Andrew is almost 14 months old and he has been crawling on his hands and knees for a few weeks now or as Julia says 'a big boy crawl.'  At times he'll still do the army crawl but everyday we see less and less of that crawl and everyday he gets faster and faster at crawling on his hands and knees.

He has also recently discovered how to open cabinets and he loves to explore what's inside.  For example this morning while I was getting ready he slowly took out one thing at a time from my make up kit and inspected it and a few times he handed me something he found in there.  Before I knew it my whole make up kit was emptied and all over the bathroom floor.  He loves playing with what's inside the cabinets and clearly let's you know he wants to play in there if you take him away.

 See we left another cabinet open and Andrew is quick to find it and he's ready to explore.

One of the things which has amazed me with Andrew is his absolute infatuation with electronics.  It must be a boy thing!  I guess it's in his blood but he loves cell phones, IPADs, remote controls, cameras, camcorder...you name it.  He'll spy my cell phone on the counter when you're holding him and will whine until he gets to play with it.  It's cute since he even imitates me and holds it up to his ear and sometimes even says 'hi.'  It's just so funny...I love it!  

Recently Andrew has also started walking with the help of a push toy or in our house called the lion.  He's been doing good and he's even starting to let go of the handle and balance for a bit.  He's quite the brave little guy and isn't usually bothered when he falls down...he just gets back up and keeps on moving.  Of course it makes me a little nervous but he always does a great job of breaking his falls.  He is very much a happy guy who just wants to be a part of whatever is going on.

Last Day at the Beach

Our last day at the beach and just a few photos to wrap up our vacation to Hilton Head.  Daddy and Julia coming in from a swim in the ocean.

Check out the new pink shovel.  Our big plastic shovel broke so we bought this one which will last a while...it's quite sturdy.  Pink of course since Julia picked it out.

A little more building.

After I wrote her name in the sand Julia and I played a little chase on the beach...such fun times.  We had the best time and on one of my walks on the beach I thought about the song by Natalie Merchant called "These Are Days."  I know these are the days to remember and cherish and we did just that...enjoyed each other and had fun!  Looking forward to our next vacation together as a family.

Dolphin Boat Ride

One of the things we wanted to do was go on a Dolphin Boat Ride.  We thought they would enjoy riding on a boat after seeing so many and if we got to see some dolphins that would be an added bonus.  Well they both enjoyed the boat ride and we saw dolphins but not as close up as Julia and I saw them the one day in the ocean.  We ate an early dinner so we could catch the 5:00 boat ride.

Andrew was pretty cute as he would look at the boats and smile or point at them.  It's been so much fun watching him communicate in his own way.

We had great views and the weather was fantastic.

The first dolphin we spotted on our boat ride.

Yet another.

A beautiful rainbow.

Julia enjoyed standing on the ledge and looking over.

Posing for a photo...not quite sure what got into her but she was having fun being photographed.

Daddy, Andrew and Julia and Julia smothering Andrew with a hug.

Julia in front of the boat we went on...her first boat ride and she loved it.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Andrew Swinging

On Thursday morning Thomas took Julia to go play putt-put for the first time. We figured it wouldn't be much fun for Andrew so instead I took him for a walk and hung out on the swings near Coligny Square.  He enjoyed sitting on the swing, standing up, crawling on the swing and looking around.  We had fun relaxing and enjoyed a nice snack too.  He was so cute that I took some photos of my cute little guy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Harbour Town

Before we headed to Harbour Town for the night I wanted to take some photos of our family so we went to Coligny Square.

Daddy and Andrew swinging.

Daddy with Julia and Andrew.

Now that Andrew is much more mobile he prefers to be standing and cruising around as compared to just sitting.

We love these two little kids more than life!  We've had so much fun with them at the beach on our first vacation as a family of four.  Looking forward to many more vacations together!

Mommy and Julia exploring Harbour Town.

Andrew and I hanging out near the water.

Such fun times together!  

Both Julia and Andrew were so interested in looking at the boats below.  

The view from the top of the lighthouse.

Julia had fun hanging from the bars at the top of the lighthouse.

We watched the Gregg Russell show under the oak tree in Harbour Town which was great.  He's been preforming under the oak tree for 36 summers and it's a great show for both adults and kids.

A view of the lighthouse we climbed while watching the Gregg Russell show.  We stayed out so late that Andrew fell asleep in Thomas' arms and we transferred him to his car seat and then to the pack and play once we got back to the villa and he never woke up until the next morning.  He just slept in his clothes since I was sure he would wake up in the middle of the night but that wasn't the case.  He was absolutely exhausted!  We all had such a fun night in Harbour Town.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Beach Bums

Andrew and Julia having fun hanging out in the morning before we head to the beach.

On our way to the beach...our short walk across the street to the ocean.

Daddy and Julia setting up the tent.

Julia was a great helper with the tent.

Andrew's watching Daddy and Julia assemble the tent.

Julia and Andrew hanging out in front of the tent.

Ready to do some digging!

My little guy and me.

Andrew is blowing kisses to Daddy.

Taking it all in and enjoying every minute of our time at the beach.

Cooling our feet off in the water.

Andrew looks like a little turtle crawling out of the ocean.

Watching Julia play near the water.

Here's my little turtle again!

Getting some water for the drip castles.

Another action shot.

Daddy and Andrew relaxing in the tent.  Another fun day at the beach!