Wednesday, July 29, 2015

No more training wheels!

One of Julia's friend just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels and I showed her the video and she said I want to learn how to do that too.  Hence, we took off the training wheels and started practicing!  We started working on it before we went to DC and New York and even thought about bringing her bike but decided to just bring the scooters instead.

Then three days after we got back in town she was biking on her own.  So proud of Julia for practicing everyday and keeping with it!  I thought she learned fairly quickly once we took the training wheels off even though I thought it was going to take a while with her past balance issues.  We still need to work on starting and stopping along with turning but she's doing fantastic.

One proud girl with her bike Miss Daisy!

It was the cutest thing to see when Andrew was all excited for Julia once she was biking alone!  He really is such a great brother and was genuinely excited for his sister!

Such an exciting day for Julia but for our whole family!  Another sign of my baby girl growing up.

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