Saturday, July 18, 2015

First DC Visit

Since we haven't been to New York in almost 2 years we decided we would make a trip up north this summer.  With flights costing $1600 we decided to drive instead plus as an added bonus we would get to see Thomas' aunt and uncle in DC.  After getting a tour of Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's house the kids were excited to go swimming.  Both Julia and Andrew went off a diving board for the first time at their house.

Little Andrew wearing his puddle jumper floatie and a tube for extra safety.  He's such a funny guy!

The second time off the diving board and she was ready to do it without any floatie.  She jumped and swan to the side...she's such a big girl now!

Love this one!  Free falling!

Jumping off all by himself!

Swimming under the waterfalls!

Playing under the falls!

Jumping through her floatie...I remember doing stuff like that when I was little in our pool.

Uncle Paul getting Julia and Andrew!

Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne have two dogs named Bandit and Samson and Julia really liked them.  She enjoyed helping take the dogs for a walk and giving them treats.

Bandit was really her favorite and always walked him.

Ice cream for dessert.

The next day we went to see Minions and Julia laughed throughout the whole movie.  Julia insisted they sit with Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne so Thomas and I got to sit alone.

Checking out the basketball court in their yard.  They lowered the hoop for Andrew but it will still a bit high for him to make a basket.

Dinner out and Julia is giving Uncle Paul a haircut.

Their son Patrick lives in the DC area and he joined us for dinner too.  Fun night and my kids really loved Patrick!

1 comment:

  1. So will there be a dog it your house the next time I come to visit? LOL! I know the answer to that one.
