Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Open House for Julia - 1st grade

On our way to meet her new teacher and Julia is beyond excited!  1st grade here she comes!

The parking lot was packed so we parked along the road on the outside of the school.  Julia and Andrew walking in and all exited.  The people you see way in the background said the sweetest thing ever to me as we walked by them.  She said, 'Those are the two cutest kids to ever walk through the doors of this school.'  How sweet is that!

She's doing that excited walk where her hair swings.

Checking out things at her desk.

This year she gets her own desk instead of sitting at a table.  She gets to keep her things inside and hopefully she'll keep it nice and organized.

Looking through her folder.  She couldn't wait to see what everything was inside there even though it was just paperwork for Mommy and Daddy.

Looking so grown up and no longer the babies of the school.

Julia and her teacher Miss Head who seems super sweet!  Looks like we'll have another great year at Kelly Mill Elementary.

We had to go and visit her teacher from last year, Mrs. Parker.  We loved her kindergarten teacher and we're sure going to miss her this year.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when do you makes her hair swing like that! Her teacher looks adorable I'm sure she is going to love her and vice versa.
