Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lunch with Uncle Chris and Checking out his Big Truck

It was great to be able to schedule a last minute lunch date with Uncle Chris!  We met him at Tully's near his work and then checked out his big work truck afterwards which the kids love.

The kids love sitting up in his's absolutely huge!

He delivers gas to a gas station and drives a fuel tanker truck.

Look at Julia...all smiles!

Of course the coolest thing about his big truck is blowing the horn which is extremely loud.

I guess deep down Thomas wanted to be a truck driver.

Uncle Chris showed the kids the engine since they asked what was under the hood.

It's seriously crazy how much my kids like my brother, I never thought he was that cool growing up.  They both love the Beanie Boos Uncle Chris got for them.  

This picture is so sweet.  Andrew was telling Uncle Chris he will miss him.  My kids really like my brother a lot!

Sleeping with her new Beanie Boo named Bandit after Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's dog.

Andrew finally decided to name his dog Samson after Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's other dog.

1 comment:

  1. That truck is huge!!! I remember Thomas and Brian used to love to sit in Michael's police car when he came to visit at my mothers house. He used to let them turn in the siren. They were in their glory. So I can imagine how excited Andrew and Julia were in the big truck.
