Saturday, May 18, 2013

Little Helpers

On Friday we got a huge pile of mulch delivered to our house.  Daddy worked on it alone on Saturday morning but had some helpers on Saturday after dinner.  Julia and Andrew were actually pretty good helpers and it definitely made doing the work more enjoyable.

Even Andrew who isn't even 2 years old did a good job. He insisted on wearing Daddy's gloves even though they were huge.

Julia was a fabulous helper and she said this is what it's like on a farm.  So glad I don't live on a farm if this is what it's like.

Andrew was super cute and wanted to help push the wheelbarrow.  He wanted to be just like his Daddy.

After working for a bit Julia said she wanted to take a break.  Isn't she cute?  Then a few minutes later Andrew said he was going to take a break too.  The mulch pile isn't gone yet but hopefully we'll finish it in the next few days once it stops raining.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Julia, I stay away when Bill spreads that stuff, it makes me very allergic, all that ground up tree and dirt together. I can't even stand the smell of it for a few days, it is strong. The kids look like they are working so hard, very industrious little guys. I hope you use a laundry additive to get out all the stains and bathtime must have been extended that night. Actually Julia looks like she managed to stay pretty clean, smart girl! It's so cute that Andrew seems to be copying everything that Julia does.
