Thursday, May 16, 2013

Double Meltdown

Meltdowns happen and this time I decided to take a few photos so I could show them later how silly they looked.  It's always such fun when they both have a meltdown at the same time and of course it happened on a day that Thomas had to work times.  Julia was upset because she feel and hurt her knees (not that bad...just a little scrape) but this is after she had already calmed down.  She was being dramatic to say the least.  Andrew was upset about having to come inside from playing and wanted a snack but I said no since dinner was right around the corner.  Despite their pitiful looking faces...they still look cute!  A drink sounds good right about now.  

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute, Molly and Leah looked at it were loving it, I think they are seeing themselves in the pictures. Andrew banging on the door is my favorite. Julia looks a little like a fake job on the stool in the bathroom. I think she was getting tired of it by then. Kudos to you, all by yourself with all the crying, bring on the wine for Mom!
