Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Disney World - Day 3...Pool and Dinner with Cast of Cinderella

Since everyone got to bed so late last night it was wonderful that both Julia and Andrew slept in until almost 10:00.  I knew Julia would sleep in but I had my doubts about Andrew but I was so thankful he did.  It was great that today we had planned to spend a relaxing day at the pool but first we enjoyed breakfast in our room.  Daddy went to the store for a few things and surprised us with breakfast from Chick-fil-A.

And Julia put on a little show for us with Mommy and Baby Minnie Mouse.

All ready to check out the pool.

On the way to the pool we pass the beach so we had to make a pit stop and play a little...Julia just LOVES the sand.

Daddy and Andrew relaxing in the hammock.

Andrew wasn't keen on how the sand felt on his feet and it took him a little to get use to it.

But once he did he loved playing in the sand just like Julia.

Julia and Daddy went ahead since Julia was practically running to the pool and Andrew walked a bit slower.  My excuse to take some photos of my little guy.

The pool was lots of fun and I should have taken a picture of it...it was a pirate ship with lots of fun things for the kids to do.

Looks like he's waving.  Having just the best time in the water.  This was really his first time in the water when someone wasn't holding on to him or he was trapped in a tube and he absolutely loved every minute of it.  Looks like we're going to have a blast at the pool this summer.

Having fun together...hopefully they continue to enjoy each other as they get older.

I loved watching them have fun in the pool and taking photos of them enjoying life.

Playing with their floaties.

Andrew LOVED the slide and did it over and over, again and again.  Love his expression!

In the morning we told Julia about our special dinner with the cast of Cinderella.  After we got showered and cleaned up from the pool we headed over to The Grand Floridian for a special evening.  The first to visit our table was Prince Charming.

The look on Julia's face as Cinderella came into the room.  She was thrilled to meet her favorite princess.

A bit too excited to eat at the moment.

Julia meets Cinderella for the first time.  Before we went to Disney World Julia would also ask me if we were going to meet the 'real Cinderella' and my answer was 'yes, the real Cinderella.'  We loved seeing Julia enjoy her dinner with the cast of Cinderella.  When you ask her what was her favorite part of our Disney trip she says having dinner with Cinderella.  So glad we were able to do this for her.

Two beautiful princesses.  Julia and Cinderella.

Of course a good-bye hug.  So sweet!  Cinderella really is such a kind princess and we loved meeting her.  One of the magical moments from our vacation.

The mean stepmother.  Julia wasn't all that excited about meeting her...can't believe she even smiled for the picture.

Cinderella's stepsister Anastasia.

Her other stepsister Drizella.

Julia and Andrew having some fun outside after dinner. Love these two kids to pieces!

Daddy and his very own princess.  What a magical experience for us as parents to see our daughter meet one of her favorite characters and definitely a dream come true for Julia.  Got back to the room early and to bed at a respectable time so we can enjoy Animal Kingdom tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love every minute of the pictures, can't believe how exciting it must be when you are really there.
