Sunday, May 5, 2013

Disney World - Day 1...Arrival

On Sunday, May 5th we went on such a magical vacation that we're never going to forget...Disney World!  We had such a great time and I loved seeing the excitement from Julia and Andrew as they experienced Disney World for the first time.  I have many fond memories of going to Disney World as a kid and I was so glad to experience the magic with my own kids.  We were especially glad to be leaving Georgia since it was rainy and unusually cold for the beginning of May and heading south to warmer weather in Florida.  The drive takes about seven hours without kids but for us it took eight hours which isn't bad at all.  We stopped a few times to let the kids run around and stretch their legs and we ate breakfast and lunch in the car while driving.  We turned Andrew's seat around for the trip since we thought it would help keep him happier and I think he enjoyed facing the same way as the rest of us.  He's almost two so I was going to turn him around soon enough.  The car was packed and we were ready and so excited!

Julia was practicing writing her letters on a doodle board.  Try to do something educational instead of only watching movies...but we did plenty of that too on our eight hour drive.

Andrew is munching on some Cheerios as part of his breakfast on the road.

When we got to the hotel there was a Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse on the bed for Julia and Andrew (yes I put them there before they came into the room) and they were so excited about their new stuffed animals and carried them around with us all was super cute!  Julia already had a little Minnie Mouse from when she was a baby but now she has the Mommy Minnie Mouse.

Andrew really loved his Mickey Mouse and you'll often see him carrying it in the photos.

Going for a walk to check out our resort.  We stayed at the Disney Caribbean Beach Resort and it worked out great for us.  The resort was beautiful and the room was a basic room but it was clean so I was happy.  The resort had a great pool and even a beach.

On our walk with Minnie Mouse too.

Checking everything out and so happy to be in Florida.

Andrew and his Mickey Mouse...I just love this photo of my little guy.  He loved walking and running around as we checked out the resort.

First family photo in Disney World at our resort.

Happy as can be!

Julia was so excited to play in the sand...that's about all she wanted to do at first!  She's my girl...a beach girl!

Andrew was a bit hesitant about stepping in the sand which didn't really surprise me since he doesn't really like the feel of grass either.  

With a little help from Daddy he touched the sand with his feet.  We're definitely ready for our week vacation in Disney World and so glad to be together.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew takes after his Nana, I don't like the feel of sand either. He isa cutie.
