Thursday, May 9, 2013

Disney World - Day 5...Pool and Downtown Disney

Our 5th day in Disney and we're having such a great time. I'm so glad we planned low key and relaxing days between going to the parks, it has worked out perfect.  Parks days are heaps of fun but extremely busy so it's nice to have a day in between to take life a little slower.  Today we headed down to play in the sand a bit and then to the pool.

Julia and Andrew had fun burying their balloon handles, which happened to be the face of Mickey Mouse, in the sand and then trying to find the treasure as Julia called it.  Then of course Andrew was saying 'where's the treasure' too.

Andrew was much more comfortable in the sand and enjoyed burying his feet and saying 'where's my feet?'

Lots more fun in the pool.

Andrew and I headed back to the room early so Andrew could take a nap. Julia and Daddy stayed at the pool and swam.  Julia is a little water bug and stayed as long as she could and was in the water the whole time.  Andrew was out within seconds of putting him in the pack and play and looking as cute as ever holding onto to Mickey Mouse.

Everyday housekeeping would clean our room and they would arrange the toys in the window.  Julia loved seeing it when we came back to our room.  It was cute!

Ready for dinner at Downtown Disney.  Downtown Disney is a fun place with lots of restaurants and stores along with people playing music.  Such a fun place to walk around!  Andrew loved carrying around this shovel that came with their lunch - they put their hamburger in a bucket and attached a shovel to use at the beach at our resort.

Enjoying our time together as a family and looking forward to going back to Magic Kingdom tomorrow and another surprise for Julia.  Can't wait!

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