Thursday, May 30, 2013

Drinking from a cup

Lately when Andrew has cereal he picks up the bowl and drinks the milk so it dawned on me that I should let him drink from a cup.  I've offered him the cup before but he tried drinking it so fast and just spills it or chokes on it.  I wasn't in any big rush to have him do it on his own and actually forgot about it for a while but he seems to be getting the hang of it and he's very proud of himself.


  1. He is growing up too quick. Love his hair looking a little messed up, very cute. Andrea's hands look so cute holding on to the cup, just think someday they will be bigger than yours.

  2. He needs a haircut...hence the messed up look. Boys need their haircut all the time, I'm still not use to it yet.

  3. I think his hair looks GREAT like that! He is soooo cute and I can't believe that I won't be there for his b'day.

  4. You should cut it or have Thomas do it every other time. Just go around the edges and don't touch the layers.
