Friday, May 31, 2013

Spray Park Fun

Yesterday we made our first visit of the summer to the spray park.  Julia had a birthday party there and we all had heaps of fun.  Andrew especially enjoyed trying to stop the water from squirting out.

Julia and two of her twin friends from ballet class...Peyton and Presley.  This spray park just opened last year and it's much closer to our house so I'm sure we'll be heading back again soon.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Drinking from a cup

Lately when Andrew has cereal he picks up the bowl and drinks the milk so it dawned on me that I should let him drink from a cup.  I've offered him the cup before but he tried drinking it so fast and just spills it or chokes on it.  I wasn't in any big rush to have him do it on his own and actually forgot about it for a while but he seems to be getting the hang of it and he's very proud of himself.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Weekend

We had such a great Memorial Weekend!  It was an action packed weekend filled with lots of fun stuff to do. Once Thomas got home from work on Friday we checked out a farmers market and even though it wasn't great I'm still glad we checked it out since I've been wanting to go for a I know its nothing great and don't need to go back.  On Saturday we went up to Blue Ridge, Georgia to go strawberry picking at Mercier Orchards and the strawberries were DELICIOUS.  We picked tons of strawberries and ate a ton as well and had heaps of fun.  I was a little sad since I forgot my camera and then I didn't even take any photos once we got home.  Julia was as clean as a whistle and well Andrew he was a different story.  He had strawberry juice down the front of his shirt and looked like a mess but luckily it came right out in the laundry without any trouble.  After strawberry  picking we walked around the town and went in the shops.  On Sunday we relaxed at home a bit and then Julia and I headed to Atlantic Station and then met the boys for dinner at Mellow Mushroom. Monday we decided to check out Old Mill Park in Roswell.  I loved the covered bridge and the waterfall reminded me of Ithaca.  Such a great weekend spending time with family!

Happy Memorial Day and thanks to all those who served our country!  Very thankful for all the freedom we have today.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Andrew's First Sneakers

Last week I bought Andrew his first real pair of sneakers at the outlet mall.  I can't get over how cute he looks in them and his ankle socks.  They're so tiny and super cute!  He's looking more like a big boy everyday as he's only a few days away from turning two.

Along with being cute...he's very patriotic with the American Flags too!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Little Helpers

On Friday we got a huge pile of mulch delivered to our house.  Daddy worked on it alone on Saturday morning but had some helpers on Saturday after dinner.  Julia and Andrew were actually pretty good helpers and it definitely made doing the work more enjoyable.

Even Andrew who isn't even 2 years old did a good job. He insisted on wearing Daddy's gloves even though they were huge.

Julia was a fabulous helper and she said this is what it's like on a farm.  So glad I don't live on a farm if this is what it's like.

Andrew was super cute and wanted to help push the wheelbarrow.  He wanted to be just like his Daddy.

After working for a bit Julia said she wanted to take a break.  Isn't she cute?  Then a few minutes later Andrew said he was going to take a break too.  The mulch pile isn't gone yet but hopefully we'll finish it in the next few days once it stops raining.

Sweet & Sassy Fun

On Saturday Sweet & Sassy at The Avenues were doing free up do and a ride in the pink limo.  They did this before but we missed it so I wanted to be sure to take Julia this time since I knew she would enjoy it.

Julia and two of her ballet friends and her sister.  Jaiden, Reagan, Julia and Kyla.

All four cute girls riding around in the limo.

The moms got to go for a ride with them too.

All the girls got the same up do style.  Don't they look cute?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sundae Time

Friday night the kids enjoyed a chocolate sundae out on the deck.  Julia loves the chocolate and Andrew decided he wanted to try to lick the bowl clean.  

Andrew's First Painting

On Friday Andrew enjoyed his first opportunity at painting.  He's definitely not as neat as Julia so we decided to paint in the garage instead. Plus we were waiting for a dump truck delivery of mulch and we didn't want to miss that excitement.  He did a good job but I'm not quite sure how he got paint on his face.  Luckily I used one of Thomas' old shirts instead of just an apron since I'm sure it would have gotten all over his clothes.  Looks like he's a lefty for sure.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Double Meltdown

Meltdowns happen and this time I decided to take a few photos so I could show them later how silly they looked.  It's always such fun when they both have a meltdown at the same time and of course it happened on a day that Thomas had to work times.  Julia was upset because she feel and hurt her knees (not that bad...just a little scrape) but this is after she had already calmed down.  She was being dramatic to say the least.  Andrew was upset about having to come inside from playing and wanted a snack but I said no since dinner was right around the corner.  Despite their pitiful looking faces...they still look cute!  A drink sounds good right about now.  

Last Day of Preschool (3 year old class)

Thursday was Julia's last day of preschool for the year and we're so proud of her.  It has been a great year for her and we've absolutely loved Cumming First Baptist Church Weekday Preschool.  It's such a great program with wonderful teachers who love the kids like their own.  So thankful she attends school there...she loves it!

Today the 1, 2, and 3 year old classes each sang three songs and they put together a cute slide show of each class.  Julia did absolutely fabulous singing and doing the hand motions on stage.  Back at the December performance she didn't get as involved but today she really got into it.  It was really fun to watch her!  She was thrilled to be standing next to he best friend Grace who is wearing the pink hat.

Julia and Grace leading the way back to the classroom.

Love these two little girls and I'm so thankful that she became friends with such a nice girl.  I love how this is the first friend she made on her own.  It's super cute to see her make her own friends and interact with them.

Julia and her teachers Ms. Marjorie and Ms. Dana.  They have been so wonderful!

Julia really wanted a picture of her and Grace with their teachers so here it is.

A few shots of Julia and Grace.  Looking forward to lots of play dates this summer together!

Such sweet girls and very giddy once they get together!

Leaving school we saw another boy in her class ring the school bell so Julia wanted to do the same.  Actually they aren't strong enough to pull the rope but she sure had fun trying.

Using all her strength but it still didn't work.  It even took me a few tries to ring's quite heavy.

She had fun just playing with the rope instead.

Then of course Andrew wanted to have a turn.  All smiles as he said, 'I did it!'

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blanket Fight

Some people have pillow fights but not us. Blanket fights are much more fun!  Enjoying the simple things in life with these two little cuties.  Julia and Andrew threw blankets on each other for quite a while and just giggled and giggled.  It makes me smile when I think about them laughing and having fun.