Thursday, October 25, 2012

Parade and Fall Festival

Today was the Halloween Parade and Fall Festival at Julia's preschool.  She was very excited this morning to wake up and wear her Cinderella dress to school.  I must say she is one beautiful princess.  

All ready to go into school to show everyone her costume and see what her friends decided to be for Halloween.

Each of the classes made a craft that was on display on the festival.  On Tuesday I got to help Julia's class make pumpkin snowman which came out so cute!

Here's Julia's pumpkin snowman.  Isn't it cute?  The week before the kids went outside and collected leaves, sticks, and whatever else they could find so we just had to hot glue the things where they wanted them.

First up...the parade.  I remember having a Halloween parade when I was in elementary school but times have changed and that doesn't happen anymore so I'm loving all the 'fun' stuff she is getting to do in preschool in addition to the social, independent and academic aspect too.  We love Julia's preschool!

Such a beautiful princess!

Waiting for the parade to continue.

Julia said she loved the parade.

Parade is all over and they're headed to get a class photo.

Class photo and Andrew's head.  He kept trying to walk towards all the kids.

Julia and Alex.  I know Alex's mom from when I use to work at Sharon Elementary.  Since having kids we've both stayed home and I often see her around at the library or grocery store.  We were thrilled they were going to be in the same class this year and had a few play dates before school started so they would know someone in the class.

Julia and a sweet girl Chloe who was a princess too.

Let the Fall Festival begin.  They had lots of fun things for the kids including games, face painting, cookie decorating, bounce houses, slides and so on.  They did a great job of putting on a fun morning for the kids!

Julia and Andrew were impressed with the popcorn machine.  Once it started popping they both looked with amazement.  Obviously they have never seen a popcorn machine.

Another sweet girl in Julia's class named Grace.  We just had a play date with her the day before at a park and they had a blast running around and playing together.

Julia wanted to wait in line for the face painting and as she got closer she decided to have it on her arm so she would be able to see it.  Makes sense to me...if it's on your face other people can see it but not you.  She wanted to be able to see it too!  Thanks so much to everyone at Cumming First Baptist Church Preschool for all the work it took to organize today's event...we had a great time!  I asked Julia her favorite part of the day and she listed everything.  Then I asked her if she had one favorite part and she said the parade.


  1. Thank you so much for putting these pictures up so quickly!!! I have enjoyed them, they make me smile and also want to cry because of missing Julia's parade. We still have Halloween Parades at all the elementary schools and of course the party follows and 12:00 PM dismissal, thank God! I love the pictures of Julia's cute little friends, especially the one of her and Grace. Alex and Chloe are very cute, too. The pumpkin crafts are adorable and it is so nice that you got to help out. I am happy that Julia's preschool experience is so positive, the teacher's must just love having our sweetie pie in their class!!! As usual you made me feel a part of the whole thing through the Blog. I can never thank you enough for doing this blog and all the time and commitment on your part is beyond words for me.

  2.'re so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy it and I love doing it. I think it's going to be a great memory to have and look back at. I take a ton of photos but then it makes you feel like you were actually there...maybe too many at times but I love taking pictures. I'm so glad to hear they still do the parade and the Halloween party in elmentary school there...I wish we did it here.

  3. Keep those pictures coming Nicole! There are never too many. I just noticed the quote at the bottom of the blog. "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." That is so true.
