Thursday, October 25, 2012

Messy Eater

Andrew is quite the messy eater but that's okay since he's learning and doing it all by himself. Thomas had to work late on Tuesday night so Julia, Andrew and I were on our own for dinner.  Andrew isn't a big fan of meat or seafood but on Tuesday night Julia fed Andrew his chicken and he ate it.  Many times he just closes his mouth or spites it back out.  I told her maybe she could feed him his dinner every night since he usually won't eat it for Thomas or myself.  She was so proud of herself for getting him to eat his dinner that I said a special dessert was in order.  Hence, the chocolate pudding.  It was a mess but he loved it!  He starts off using his spoon but he always switches over to using his hand which when you're eating pudding is clearly a huge mess along with yogurt or applesauce.  Someday he'll be a neat eater.  Right?

1 comment:

  1. What a nice mother to put up with that big mess! I bet they both loved it. They will never forget all these special times you share with them as they grow up. It's the simple things that sometimes mean the most. Chocolate Pudding, yummy!!! And I almost forget the popcorn machine from the Halloween party at preschool!
