Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fowler Park

Friday afternoon we made a trip to Fowler Park to enjoy the great fall weather.  Now that Andrew is walking much better it was more difficult for me to keep up with two kids going in two different directions.  Even though Julia is capable of maneuvering the playground on her own I don't want to just let her go but at the same time I need to stay close to Andrew since he's climbing everywhere and there's lots of places he could potentially fall off if he's not paying attention.  We planned on meeting some friends there but her little one got sick as they were leaving so it was nice that we saw a little girl from Julia's class so she had a friend to play with.  She always has more fun when she has a friend to play with at the park.

Andrew goes down the slides alone and even tries climbing back up.

Andrew was loving being able to go where he wanted to on the playground.

Julia does great climbing up the rock wall without any help anymore.  So proud of her!

Being silly while I took a photo of her on the rocking horse.  Great day for a visit to the park!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew looks so much older, the shape of his face has changed, he is losing that baby look. Julia keeps seeing friends from her school out and about, that is so nice for her. I notice the jackets, must be you are getting autumn weather.
