Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Kinsey Family Farms

On Saturday we went to Kinsey Family Farms to visit the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins and go for a hayride.  It was a beautiful fall day in North Georgia and we all had a great time checking out all the pumpkins.  Andrew enjoyed trying to pick up the pumpkins which were all way too big for him to hold alone so Thomas helped him out a bit.

Here he is trying to pick up another interesting looking pumpkin.

Our two cute little pumpkins in the wagon meant to hold pumpkins.

Julia enjoyed climbing the fence a bit now that she's getting bigger.

Andrew LOVED pulling the wagon around and got a bit frustrated when the wheel got stuck because of a pumpkin in the way.  He did great pulling it straight but wasn't that good at maneuvering around all the pumpkins.

Family photo at Kinsey Family Farms.

Like I said Andrew loved pulling the wagon.  I was trying to get him to sit in it but he wasn't interested.

Sweet Julia giving Andrew a hug on the hayride.

Enjoying the hayride with two great kids!

Andrew got stuck between a bunch of pumpkins.

We have our pumpkins and we're ready to carve them.  Another successful trip to the pumpkin patch.


  1. Some very beautiful shots Nicole. I love your hair longer like that. You look so pretty! The kids are my favorite pumpkins, just adorable.

  2. Thanks Susan...I've decided to let my hair grow for a bit.
