Friday, October 14, 2011

Trunk or Treat

This evening we went to Trunk or Treat at our church and we had a great time! Once we started talking about Halloween Julia said she wanted to be Elmo but then she changed her mind and decided to be Curious George. We found a Curious George costume online and ordered it on Monday night so we weren't sure if would be here by Friday but we received it this afternoon so we decided we would go to Trunk or Treat again this year. Daddy met us there from work and enjoyed hanging out with his two little monkeys.

Of course Andrew isn't sure what to think about Halloween but he was a great monkey and took in all the festivities. He sure is one cute little monkey with big blue eyes.

Julia did a good job of saying 'Trick or Treat' and thank you! She's looking at all the goodies she got since we only had a few more cars to 'trunk or treat' at before we were finished.

Our two little monkeys! So cute! I love that Julia decided what she wanted to be and we were able to get that costume for her. I'll admit it's not the cutest costume out there for our pretty little girl but it made her so happy being Curious George and that's what matters most.

Mommy and Julia went on a little hayride along with Curious George. It was Julia's first hayride but I'm not so sure about Curious George. :)

When we got home Daddy helped Julia organize her candy. She actually got some Play Doh as well...what a great idea.


  1. I agree with Kim about Julia and Andrew never being the same again, because they will each have their own ideas next year. I think it is very good that Julia choose George, too, she might be like her Daddy and not follow the crowd. He always did what he wanted too. Andrew's eyes look so beautiful in his picture, it's amazing. Are they the same blue as Julia's,I can't tell?

  2. I saw the Rolos in the picture, Bill is drooling.
