Saturday, October 29, 2011

Busy Saturday

Saturday was a busy day for the Brown Family. In the morning we went to a Halloween party at the Staudt's house, came home for lunch and naps, and then we headed to North Point Mall to do some trick or treating. Andrew was still the cutest baby dressed up, I just love my little monkey!

Trying to take a photo of a bunch of toddlers is not an easy task. Of course nobody is really looking at the camera but that's not surprising. The party was at Liam's house and Liam is Julia's friend who lives in our neighborhood and he's the monkey right next to her. Her others friends in our neighborhood are Caroline and Whitney who are the two girls in the front row with denim jackets on but they didn't wear their costumes.

Curious George himself made an appearance at the party and he did great running after the ghost during the ghost hunt.

We were so proud of how much Julia ran after the ghost this year. Last year we could barely get her to pick one up.

Daddy and his two little monkeys.

Julia enjoyed the trick or treating at the mall but I don't recommend it. It was pretty busy but she had fun so it was worth it. I guess we know what Halloween activities we'll participate in next year. Here she is excited to get a tootsie roll (since she had one once before).

One last photo of the two monkeys at the mall.

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