Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kinsey Family Farm

On Saturday morning we met some friends at Kinsey Family Farm to get some pumpkins, go on a hayride, and feed some catfish in a pond. It was such a beautiful morning and Julia was excited to pick out the perfect pumpkin for Andrew and herself.

A quick family photo before the hayride takes off. Julia and Daddy are styling with their sunglasses.

Julia still loves to hold Andrew any chance she gets. I just love how much she loves her baby brother.

Julia and her friend Cole loved pulling the wagon around but unfortunately my attempts to get a picture of both of them doing it together was unsuccessful since they were both on a mission. They definitely had fun!

Clearly pulling the wagon around was Julia's favorite part of the day...who would have thought a wagon and some pumpkins would be so much fun for an almost 3 year old little girl.

One last family photo surrounded by a bunch of what else but PUMPKINS!

1 comment:

  1. That photo of Julia and Andrew together is the cutest thing ever. Love it.
