Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Carving and Painting

On Sunday Daddy and Julia carved the pumpkins while Mommy and Andrew watched. She wasn't a fan of putting her hand in the pumpkin since you get all dirty. Clearly she's my girl...I hate getting dirty too!

She helped much more once Daddy took out the scooper.

Julia and Andrew with their J and A pumpkins, Daddy did a GREAT job! I have no idea what they are both looking at but it must be something interesting.

Julia did a great job of holding Andrew especially since he's getting bigger and he can't sit up.

Later that day Daddy and Julia painted two small pumpkins that Daddy brought home a while ago. Last year when Julia and I went to Houston to visit my sister we went to the Houston Zoo for Zoo Boo and one of the things they did was paint pumpkins. I thought it was a great idea so we decided to do it this year at home. I called the Houston Zoo to find out what kind of markers they used and ordered them online. Painting pumpkins may become a tradition in our family...we love traditions!

The final pumpkin painting product!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew looks so big in the same picture as Julia. I love that you can see both of their blue eyes. Plus the face Julia makes when her hands are all pumpkin slime is histerical. I would have to agree that she doesn't appear to like getting dirty.
