Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Party

Last Monday we had a Toddler Halloween Party at the house and invited some of the kids from our playgroup that meets on Mondays. Pace is Spiderman, Julia is of course Curious George, Amelia is Super Woman, Maddie is Minnie Mouse, and Cole is dressed up as Woody. Sunny who was dressed as a peacock ran off before the picture was taken. We searched for ghost, painted pumpkins, ate lunch on the deck since it was a beautiful day, and even sang Happy Birthday to what else but pumpkins. Julia wanted to sing Happy Birthday since it was a party so a few of us did that at the very end while they ate brownies. What kind of a party is it without singing Happy Birthday...right?

I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted but here's a cute one of Julia and Amelia painting their pumpkins.

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