Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Griffin and Jingle

The kids always loved waking up and going to look for Griffin and Jingle to see where they were and what they did.  Such an exciting month leading up to Christmas.  

Griffin and Jingle playing tic-tac-toe.

Looks like our elves liked Andrew's gingerbread house.

Griffin left a few peppermint patties for Andrew.

And Jingle left a few peppermint patties for Julia.

Ziplining.  Weeee!

Andrew's all excited about the elves.

Toilet paper sign...Only 6 more days until Christmas!

Same thing in Julia's room.

Talking to Griffin and Jingle a little.  What a fun month it has been with these two elves around.


  1. Nicole you have the best imagination ever! I would never be able to think of all those things to have the elfs do day after day. You make it so special for them, they will remember these things for the rest of their lives.

  2. Awwww, thanks! I get many ideas off Pinterest.

  3. Awwww, thanks! I get many ideas off Pinterest.
