Thursday, December 10, 2015

Andrew's Christmas Show

We were all excited to watch Andrew's Christmas program at his preschool.  When he walked in and saw us he got this huge smile and I'm so glad I captured it on camera.  Maybe his huge smile was because he saw Thomas...he just loves his Daddy it's really very sweet.

Not only did Andrew sing songs but he has a speaking part to say which was 'The bright shining star was their guide.'  We practiced it and he did great.

Since Julia never gets to go to any of his things at his school I decided to take her out of school for a little bit and let her come and watch Andrew.  It was a special treat to have her there for the program too.


  1. You can see how happy and Andrew is. His smile speaks 1000 words! I love the excitement in his anticipation of speaking the words of his show - rubbing his hands together and a little bounce.

  2. I know you didn't put the video on the Blog but I remember seeing it and Facebook.
