Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Books

The day after Christmas last year I got some great deals on some Christmas books.  I decided to save them for this year and the last 5 nights before Christmas they opened a new book to read each night before bed.  Never did I think they would be so excited about opening a new Christmas book but it was a big hit!

It was really fun to see their excitement each night opening and reading the new book.

Andrew unwrapped his book which left a million pieces of wrapping paper on his bed.  He's even messy unwrapping presents if that's even possible.

Julia was just as excited about opening her books too!

They really enjoyed opening the new books and even asked if we were going to do it again next year.  I guess I need to find some more good deals on Christmas books.  

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful idea! So glad that they love books! That's probably why Julia can read so good because she's been reading/ listening to books since she was a baby.
