Saturday, December 5, 2015

Elf the Musical

One of the local high schools was putting on Elf the Musical and I thought it would be a fun holiday activity for us to do as a family.  So glad we got seats since they sold out shortly after we arrived.  The kids looked cute using the hand held props before the show.

Andrew 'reading' the program and finding some of the words he knows...the, and, can.

These two cuties are such happy kids.

Now Julia's reading the program and even found some of the same names in the program as her friends.

He looks like such a little man in his shirt and vest.

Family selfie and ready for the show to start.

Julia really enjoyed the show and laughed a ton!  There were teenage girls next to her and they smiled quite a bit when she was laughing at different parts.  She loved it and genuinely giggled, it was so cute.

The cast of Elf did such a great job.  I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for other shows put on by the local high was very well done.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Andrew reading the program and the one of Julia watching the show. So glad they liked it!
