Wednesday, July 29, 2015

No more training wheels!

One of Julia's friend just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels and I showed her the video and she said I want to learn how to do that too.  Hence, we took off the training wheels and started practicing!  We started working on it before we went to DC and New York and even thought about bringing her bike but decided to just bring the scooters instead.

Then three days after we got back in town she was biking on her own.  So proud of Julia for practicing everyday and keeping with it!  I thought she learned fairly quickly once we took the training wheels off even though I thought it was going to take a while with her past balance issues.  We still need to work on starting and stopping along with turning but she's doing fantastic.

One proud girl with her bike Miss Daisy!

It was the cutest thing to see when Andrew was all excited for Julia once she was biking alone!  He really is such a great brother and was genuinely excited for his sister!

Such an exciting day for Julia but for our whole family!  Another sign of my baby girl growing up.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Second DC Visit

On our way back home we stopped in DC again and stayed with Thomas' uncle for 2 nights and it sure was great. This time we decided to go into the city and check out a few of the DC sights.  Inside the Lincoln Memorial...Abraham Lincoln of course.

Selfie with the Washington Monument in the background!

Family photo with the Washington Monument in the background.

Love these two cuties!

The Lincoln Memorial

The Washington Monument

Flags flying at half staff around the Washington Monument for the Chattanooga Attack.

Walking from the Monument to The White House.  Lucky Julia got carried by Uncle Paul for a bit.

In front of The White House.

Right before we headed to lunch in downtown DC.

At first we tried getting Julia and Andrew in a picture with both dogs but quickly realized that wasn't going to work so instead we took individual pictures.  Andrew and Bandit at Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's house.

Julia and Bandit.

Julia and Samson.

Andrew and Samson.

After dinner we headed out for a train ride and for an ice cream.  The kids decided they wanted Aunt Lynne to go on the train ride with them.

So cute!

Being silly after enjoying some ice cream.  Ready to head home and get to bed so we can make the long drive home the next day.  We really enjoyed our DC and New York trip this summer and it was wonderful seeing so much family.  The kids were the absolute best travelers ever!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Visit with Nana Farrell

One of the things we really wanted to do in New York was visit with Thomas' Nana.  Right before we got to New York she fell and was in the hospital.  She just arrived at a rehab place and was getting checked in when we arrived so we hung out outside for a bit until she got settled.

It was a beautiful summer day in New York with a great view of the Oswego River.

Getting a chance to visit with Nana Farrell.

Thomas' is Nana's first grandchild and it was great being able to visit with her.  Thomas and I both felt a bit sad leaving and we hope to visit with her the next time we're in New York in May for my niece's wedding.


Such a beautiful morning for putt-putt with Nana and Papa and such a pretty course.

Love my family of 4!

Fun times with them for sure!

Not only did Andrew enjoy playing putt-putt but he also loved playing around and climbing on the course.

Some more climbing!

Love these two kids more than life!  They really are the best!

Really concentrating!

Pretty Julia.

Looks like it's going in.

Silly little guy who is full of life!

Right after a little someone got a hole in one!  The only other person to get a hole in one was Nana.

Love this little guy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Visit with Another Boyce Family

The last time we were in New York we didn't get to visit with Lee and Nancy so I wanted to make sure we saw them this time.  It was great catching up and we were so glad Jessy was in town too! They have a raspberry bush in their background and the kids loved picking raspberries.  Of course Julia saved most of her while Andrew ate every last one and was more than ready to help Julia eat hers.

This little boy loves fruit!

Julia's face just makes me smile!  Gosh, I love these two kids!

Jessy, Nancy, Julia, Andrew, Lee, Me and my mom.  Great visit for sure!

Lunch with Uncle Chris and Checking out his Big Truck

It was great to be able to schedule a last minute lunch date with Uncle Chris!  We met him at Tully's near his work and then checked out his big work truck afterwards which the kids love.

The kids love sitting up in his's absolutely huge!

He delivers gas to a gas station and drives a fuel tanker truck.

Look at Julia...all smiles!

Of course the coolest thing about his big truck is blowing the horn which is extremely loud.

I guess deep down Thomas wanted to be a truck driver.

Uncle Chris showed the kids the engine since they asked what was under the hood.

It's seriously crazy how much my kids like my brother, I never thought he was that cool growing up.  They both love the Beanie Boos Uncle Chris got for them.  

This picture is so sweet.  Andrew was telling Uncle Chris he will miss him.  My kids really like my brother a lot!

Sleeping with her new Beanie Boo named Bandit after Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's dog.

Andrew finally decided to name his dog Samson after Uncle Paul and Aunt Lynne's other dog.