Sunday, December 8, 2013

Who wants to make Christmas cookies?

Cookie Time! Silly Andrew blocking us from going into the kitchen.  The chocolate chip anise Christmas cookies are my favorite and I love that Julia and Andrew love them just as much.

Julia and Andrew pretending a little while Mommy and Daddy get out all the ingredients.

This year we had two great helpers!  It was very fun having both of them really be a part of the cookie making process this year.

Needed a little help with mixing from Mommy.

And a little help from Daddy with pouring the milk.

Don't quite know how he got this messy from only three little chocolate chips, but he did.

This is my least favorite part of making the cookies...mixing the batter by hand. Thankfully Julia was more than ready to help out.

She even did a bunch of mixing by herself...hard work.  She's my little baker.

Then we gave Daddy a turn to mix in the chocolate chips.

Andrew enjoyed rolling the cookies into balls this year and he was very serious while he was working.   Love his little apron that Julia found at the outlet mall last year for him that has a train on it.

Julia was a great cookie roller as well.

Tons of cookies that need to be frosted!

Andrew liked adding the sprinkles to the cookies.

And so did Julia.

Of course the best part was eating them.  So yummy!

Julia likes the ones with lots of frosting and sprinkles.  Great memories we have of baking Christmas cookies with our two sweet kids.


  1. They certainly were yummy cookies, I liked thebetter than mine, probably because I didn't have to bake
